Tuesday, July 26, 2016

An Update

Greetings. As you have all probably heard, one of our students in Ireland (Tomoki) has injured his knee and has had to be treated in hospital. He is recovering fine now and is expected to return to Malahide tomorrow. What hard luck for him on his first day in Ireland. He hurt himself playing football, slipping on the grass. The other students were worried about him and were pleased to hear that he is going to be fine. Mr Horiguchi has been a hero and spent two nights by his side in hospital. Micheal Branagan has been very busy looking after everybody. Unfortunately this means there are less photos to show you today but tomorrow we PROMISE to make up for it with lots of pictures of the students. Today the horse riding group started their activity and had a great time.


  1. Two nights in hospital surely was an adventure for Tomoki. Good to hear he is getting better now. I am personally satisfied with your frequent updates. Or it even makes me worry if you have enough time to rest. No photo doesn't matter at all. My son is too shy to show up before cameras anyway! (Chiin's mom)

    1. Thank you for your comment. Our blog has now become more fertile!

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  3. Thank you for letting us know that in such a busy time. I understand the situation well. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope Tomoki's injury will heal quickly and he will come back to the activities soon. Please be careful enough with safety and health.

    1. Safety and health are always our absolutely number one concerns. Nothing is more important. Actually, this injury was the worst that has happened in the many years of the programme and the worst faced by any student of the Irish College of English in their memory. Thank goodness for the care Tomoki received and the outcome. Thank goodness also that the accident wasn't the fault of another boy or another nationality's student. Actually it could have happened just as easily in Japan.

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  6. Thank you for your comment, Patrick. We might need a Japanese version of it, so I'll translate it into Japanese below.
    みなさま、お聞き及びのこととは思いますが、アイルランドの生徒1名(Tomoki君)がひざを怪我し、病院で治療を受けています。今は回復してきており、明日にはマラハイドに戻れると思います。到着早々ということで、不運なことです。芝生で鬼ごっこ (NOTE: Patrick says he was playing football, but in fact he was playing tag) をしていて、滑って転んだようです。他の子たちも心配していましたが、大丈夫そうだと聞いて安心しています。堀口先生が2日間病院で付き添ってくれ、マイケル・ブラナガンさんがあちらこちらで生徒みんなの面倒を見てくれています。そのため今日の写真が少ないのは残念なのですが、あしたはその分たくさん写真をお届けいたします。今日は乗馬組は乗馬のアクティヴィティが始まり、楽しんでいたようです。

  7. Tomoki returned safely to Japan and is now recovering in the company of his family. We hope that he will return to Ireland next year. It was an unfortunate accident but thanks to the kindness and support of his teacher, the great care he received at the hospital and the good fortune to have a friend nearby, the outcome was as good as it possibly could have been in the circumstances. We wish our best to Tomoki and his family and look forward to meeting him again soon.

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