Saturday, July 30, 2016


Tomoki Shimizu has been discharged from hospital now and is being looked after by Patrick's wife mother and daughter at their home in Howth. Amichan is spending lots of time with him and I think they are both quite enjoying that! He is as comfortable as he can be in the circumstances but is unable to continue the programme at the Irish College of English and will have to return to Japan. Very unlucky but thank goodness he is safe and in good spirits.

Horse Riding

It has been a great week for the boys on the horse riding course (sorry for not sending pictures sooner). They have now mastered the basics! Ireland has a very strong tradition of breeding horses and horsemanship. Irish horses are famous all over the world. It's a lovely thing for the boys to be able to become part of this tradition. Hopefully some of them might continue when they return to Japan.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

At School

The boys continue to enjoy their lessons. Two students were finding the level a little high and have changed class. It's very different for the students to study in a class with lots of different nationalities. They are happy and doing their best. Great!

A Trip to Howth

The boys visited Howth. It is a nearby fishing village. Actually it is Patrick's Hometown. Patrick's daughter, Ami, travelled with the students on the train to Howth. The boys had a lovely time in the fresh air by the sea. They continue to grow in confidence and are communicating comfortably with students from other countries. Lots of laughter and fun. This group has a great attitude and are really positive and outgoing.

World Cup!

As in previous years, soccer is the best way for the boys to make friends in Malahide! It's a good way to break the ice and everyone joins in. This game is being played during a break in English lessons.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

An Update

Greetings. As you have all probably heard, one of our students in Ireland (Tomoki) has injured his knee and has had to be treated in hospital. He is recovering fine now and is expected to return to Malahide tomorrow. What hard luck for him on his first day in Ireland. He hurt himself playing football, slipping on the grass. The other students were worried about him and were pleased to hear that he is going to be fine. Mr Horiguchi has been a hero and spent two nights by his side in hospital. Micheal Branagan has been very busy looking after everybody. Unfortunately this means there are less photos to show you today but tomorrow we PROMISE to make up for it with lots of pictures of the students. Today the horse riding group started their activity and had a great time.

New Friends

The boys are feeling very comfortable now in their new classroom environment at the Irish College of English. It is very different from studying English at Tokai!

Monday, July 25, 2016

A Trip to the City

Today was the first day of the boys programme at the Irish College of English. They started the day very early with a test! this was a placement test to decide which level class the boys should join. In the afternoon, some of the boys went to Dublin city centre to visit the district known as Temple Bar. this is one of the oldest and most interesting parts of the city with many small shops and restaurants. it's a fun place to visit. There are many buskers in the street, playing music. The boys had a great trip.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Nice To Meet You!

A Safe Arrival!

Well, the boys have arrived safely in Ireland and are now safely at home with their homestay families. It was a long journey but they seemed happy and well when they arrived. they were met at the airport by Michael Branagan, Yuko Jackson and Ian from the Irish College of English. They then went by coach to Malahide (about 20 minutes from the airport - very convenient). Tomorrow morning they have a test to decide their English classes. Sleep well, boys! Your adventure has begun!!!